电视剧《艾米丽在巴黎 第三季 Emily in Paris Season 3》全集免费在线观看

艾米丽在巴黎 第三季 Emily in Paris Season 34.1

导演:莫拉 / 梅迪纳 / 劳尔 / 彼得 / 安德鲁 / 弗莱明 / 卡汀娜

演员:罗伊 / 卢卡斯 / 拉维斯科特 / 福尔曼 / 阿诺德 / 杰森 / 凯特 / 萨杜 / 沃什 / 哈特拉姆 / 科尔布鲁克 / 大卫 / 凯文 / 科伯恩 / 布哈沃





线路1 线路2


为了理想的工作从芝加哥搬到巴黎一年后,艾米丽发现生活中的各个方面都面临着关键选择。面对两条截然不同的道路,艾米丽不得不决定她内心真正想要的东西是什么 — 工作还是爱情生活,并思考这些决定对于她在法国的未来意味着什么,同时还要继续面对巴黎生活中的各种冒险和一波三折。
屡获殊荣的创剧人兼剧集主管达伦·思达回归执掌艾美奖提名剧集《艾米丽在巴黎》第 3 季。制片人兼主演莉莉·柯林斯也将继续饰演艾米丽·库珀,与同样回归该剧集的常驻演员菲利平·勒鲁瓦-博利约、卢卡斯·布哈沃、阿什利·朴、卡米尔·拉萨特、塞缪尔·阿诺德、布鲁诺·格里、威廉·阿巴迪和卢锡安·拉维斯科特再次合作。《艾米丽在巴黎》由 MTV Entertainment Studios、Darren Star Productions 和 Jax Media 制作。


  • 来自网友【mmda】的评论1. French is the language of diplomacy. 2. Chamere does not exist, but Kir Royale does exist as one of the cocktails popular in France (so does Kir). 3. L'esprit du Luberon = Clover Gordes (in Provence, open 8 months a year)4. Luxury is a necessity that begins when necessity ends. (Coco Chanel)5. Simplicity is the key note of all true elegance. (Coco Chanel)6. A woman's purse is her secret source of power.7. Hunter S. Thompson: American jouralist in constant use of drugs and firearms8. Le Rosey: most expensive boarding school in the world, located near Lake Geneva in Switzerland9. George Sand: pen name for a French novelist, who is progressive, subversive and rebellious. She likes cross-dressing into men's clothes and ignores rules for women's behaviors. Lots of affairs with men and women ("Relationships are complicated")10. The Wall of Love: a calligraphist collected over 300 ways of saying "I love you" in a notebook and then worked with a muralist to engrave them on tiles made of lava (so that they can last forever).11. <Thank you for being a friend> Andrew Gold / Golden Girls, "Travel down the road and back again"12. Musee d'Orsay (clock)13. AMI: love heart A logo14. Brad Pitt (Mr & Mrs Smith): man in dress15. You came to grey Paris and brought the sunshine for all of us.(Gabriel to Emily)16. Existentialism: 唯心 (Sartre: "not choosing is still choosing")Essentialism: 唯物Essentialism deals with the outer, but existentialism is drawn inward toward the self. It demands concreteness and self-knowledge, and an ethical, not a scientific, world. Mathematics is the tool of understanding of the essentialist, while observation, reflection and introspection are the tools of the existentialist.
  • 来自网友【林小路】的评论Emily让我想起了日常生活中那些很“装”却又事事认为自己从他人角度出发的所谓“正义”女性。不仅公然抢同事的case、让好朋友的男朋友在家人面前出丑、还墙头草两边倒,导演试图塑造一个真善美的角色,却刻画了一个绿茶的进阶。