来自网友【山青花欲燃】的评论我来补几个有关于ASU的梗:(以下解释只是基于美国大众对ASU的一些调侃,不代表ASU的真实情况,比如那个87%的比例是杜撰的,校方有过澄清) 1."Do you say ASU or HPVU?" John讥讽ASU为HPVU有两个原因,一是亚利桑那是Arizona,里面有个zona(带状孢疹),二是据传美国87%的女性性病患者都来自ASU(原文如下:This fine school for the mentally challenged only admits sluts and men with small penises. All students at ASU excel in receiving wooping GPAs no higher than 1.9 because in the words of their founder, Richard Simmons, "here at ASU, we under achieve with style!" Most male clubs at this school promote gay sex while most women at this school have 87% of the total STDs in the United States. A cool place to go to college if you're a tard.) 2."You went to Arizona State? No wonder why we lost the case." 见上文,"All students at ASU excel in receiving wooping GPAs no higher than 1.9" 3."Was your mascot a broken condom?" 因为那个mascot长这样(官方解释这个吉祥物是"a sun devil holding a pitchfork",个人感觉和 broken condom不像啊):https://tse1-mm.cn.bing.net/th/id/OIP.QW-L5n618NXWSwh3oncNkAHaFj?w=189&h=160&c=7&o=5&dpr=1.35&pid=1.7 4."Did you write your dissertation on Red Bull?" 这个梗和上文一脉相承.因为ASU的学生整日翘课开party,所以第二天上课只能喝红牛提神.于是写的论文也只能是红牛的喝法了(每节课都是红牛,无力听课) 5."Hey, how many times you been fucked on a houseboat?" 这句貌似没啥特别的梗,可能因为arizone有很多houseboat?