来自网友【Buffalo】的评论第一季我以为Dean和Rory有很多共同话题,毕竟他们的故事是从books开始的,但是到后来发现他俩好像又没什么共同爱好。而当Jess出现,Rory喜欢的书他已经看过几十遍,熟到可以在上面随意标注出自己喜欢的部分。在一起后他俩交换书看,即使对方给的是自己之前很难读下去的书,但因为是喜欢的人送的书,所以死也要看完。所以当初Lorelai没看完Max那本普鲁斯特就已经预示着她不那么爱他了。可爱瞬间一:不好意思告诉别人自己脸上的伤是怎么来的,结果告诉了Luke果然被狠狠嘲笑,于是为了证明自己真的是被一只swan袭击,非要去逮到它。不过好像到最后也没有告诉Rory真相真的死要面子。可爱瞬间二:偷偷去网上查了Rory上大学之后两个人的距离,还不愿意承认自己的用心 Jess: So, it's been a couple days since you made the big decision. You're still going to Yale? Rory Gilmore: Yes, I am. It's got all the classes I want and some really great teachers, and plus, you know, as an added bonus, it's really close to here. Jess: 22.8 miles. Rory Gilmore: How'd you know that? Jess: Do you Yahoo? Rory Gilmore: You looked it up? Jess: Yeah. Rory Gilmore: You looked it up. Jess: I just hit a couple buttons on the computer. Rory Gilmore: You looked it up. Jess: I was bored. There was nothing on TV and I was fooling around, it was something to do, that's it. Rory Gilmore: [lovingly] You looked it up. 看,就是这么不公平,如果做这件事的人是Dean,大家就觉得理所当然,但是由bad boy Jess 来做,就成了一个surprise,毕竟那啥啥金不换嘛。他们俩是如此的合拍让我以为他俩能走到最后,但其实我已经看到Jess扔下一句“i love you”之后就离开了的Season4了。事实上也不太奇怪,Jess还太年轻,身边也没人教他该如何长大,这和有责任感的Dean有很大不同,所以很多事他不知道该怎么处理,只能以无所谓的态度一带而过。我相信他很爱Rory,但现在的他连自己也照顾不好,更别说给Rory承诺。总有一天他会长大,但Rory不会等,他也没抱希望她会等,所以才扔下一句我爱你就离开了。so sadLane也终于向他妈妈坦白自己和一个band boy在一起了,虽然是在喝多了的时候。想到她之前迷恋过Dean的一个好朋友,因为他看起来很酷。到了约会那天这个男孩穿着Lane喜欢的乐队的T,Lane就问他你也喜欢这个乐队吗,他一脸懵逼,再接着Lane说了一大堆关于乐队的stuff,他还是一脸懵逼,慢慢地Lane才反应过来,这个人并不是他想象中那么酷。这个故事告诉我们:1.不要随意去跟穿乐队T的人聊乐队,可能他只是随便穿穿 2.看起来很酷的人不一定是真的酷,真酷的人才不在乎看起来酷不酷 很喜欢的Rory在毕业典礼的讲话 I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina and strolled down Swann's Way. It's a rewarding world, but my second one is by far superior. My second one is populated with characters slightly less eccentric, but supremely real, made of flesh and bone, full of love, who are my ultimate inspiration for everything. Richard and Emily Gilmore are kind, decent, unfailingly generous people. They are my twin pillars, without whom I could not stand. I am proud to be their grandchild. But my ultimate inspiration comes from my best friend, the dazzling woman from whom I received my name and my life's blood, Lorelai Gilmore.(图片和对话均搬运自IMDB)彩蛋:攒的一些截图全剧最爱Jess了!我罪有应得!over