电影《铁汉雌虎 McLintock!》4k免费在线观看

铁汉雌虎 McLintock!6.8

导演:安德鲁 / 麦克拉格伦

演员:杰瑞 / 斯蒂尔 / 邓肯 / 丹尼 / 卡伯特 / 马丁 / 戈登 / 琼斯 / 鲍沙其 / 洛佩兹 / Olaf Wieghorst / 布兰查德 / 卡洛 / 巴詹南 / 斯特罗瑟





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George Washington McLintock, "GW" to friends and foes alike, is a cattle baron and the richest man in the territory. He anxiously awaits the return of his daughter Becky who has been away at school for the last two years. He's also surprised to see that his wife Katherine has also returned. She had left him some years before without really explaining what he done but she does make the point of saying that she's returned to take their daughter back to the State Capitol with her. GW is highly respected by everyone around him including the farmers who are pouring into the territories with free grants of land and the Indians who are under threat of being relocated to another reservation. Between his wife, his headstrong daughter, the crooked land agent and the thieving government Indian agent, GW tries to keep the peace and do what is best for everyone.


  • 来自网友【红茶馆小开】的评论传说中直男癌喜剧片,但是因其故事背景以及剧情设置而不会令今天的观众不适。片中的妻子和女儿都是刁蛮角色,男主角却是勤勤恳恳、为富且仁的豪绅、为妻子的娇蛮和女儿的叛逆伤透脑筋,如此引发观众好感乃至同情加上95%的隐忍戏份以至于鼓励小伙“驯服”女儿和片尾“驯服”妻子显得顺理成章且并没有不尊重他人的意味。缺憾一是经过“驯化”的女性对配偶更加温存理解(可能会令今天的平权主义者不适),二是结尾的追逐戏太浮夸,凯蒂一步三回头的“逃跑”令人哭笑不得、似乎唯恐老公追不上来。约翰颇有喜剧才能,和玛琳的合作也十分精彩,如果俩人没点戏外的纠葛那可真是令人称羡的友谊。
  • 来自网友【赱馬觀♣】的评论“在成为绅士之前,首先要成为男人!”……充其量也只是证明了约翰韦恩能够进入到某种超喜感的情景中,却不代表他和玛琳奥哈拉的搭档组合可以像在福特电影那样使故事的情绪保持在其应有的高度上。