来自网友【注销2024】的评论(自由民)义勇骑兵队国王的演讲以下为字幕节选,涉及剧透.[政厅]约翰·宾将军General Sir John Byng,霍普豪斯先生 我的常务副秘书长Mr Hobhouse, my permanent under-secretary.很荣幸见到你 约翰爵士It is a great honour to meet you, Sir John.现在 霍普豪斯 从今以后约翰爵士Now, Hobhouse, henceforth Sir John将有全部权限调阅有关北方is to enjoy full access to all files煽动暴乱的文件concerning seditious activity in the North.-非常好 -您的意思是- Excellent. -Am I to understand希望我立刻着手开始吗that you wish me to commence forthwith?的确如此Indeed we do.-好的 先生 -很好[底层]你这还需要人手吗Do you 'ave any work?不 不要了No, there's nowt 'ere.对不起 小伙子Sorry, lad.需要人手吗Any work?我都走到了运河的另一边I went t' t'other side of t'canal.但是还是没人招工But there were nowt going.不会有人招工的There is nowt going.有人说他们下个月还会减薪There's talk of them cutting wages again next month.还要减到什么地步Cutting them to what?减到零 妈妈To the bone, Mother.那个面包税谁都帮不了Aye, and that bread tax is helping no one.-它的确帮了些人 -谁- It's helping someone. -Who?-那些有钱的乞丐 -混蛋农民- Them rich beggars. - Bastard farmers.罗伯特 这不单单是农民的错It's not just t'farmers' fault, Robert.-你什么意思 -是政府的错 玛丽- How d'you mean? - It's t'government, Mary.政府Government?政府都在地主们的手中Landowners have got t'government in their pockets.而且大多数政府官员本身就是地主Besides, most of t'government are landowners themselves!用原本属于我们的土地来牟取暴利Getting fat on land that they stole from us in t'first place.是啊Oh, aye.那和面包多少钱有什么关系What's that to do with t'price of bread?他们收成不好 没有谷物了They have a bad harvest, there's a shortage of corn.他们也不让从法国 美国They won't let them import any from France or America或其他地方进口or anywhere,而是逼迫价格上涨 搞得我们这些可怜人so they force prices up and us poor souls end up必须用五倍的价格去买条面包paying five times more for a loaf of bread.-是那个谷物法吗 -是的- Is that t'Corn Laws? - It is.*谷物法为当时英国以保护地主农民为借口 对进口谷物强征关税的法律\N该法的目的其实是为了保护土地贵族利益 最终导致谷物价格飙升那本是为了帮我们的 结果却把情况搞得更糟了They were meant to help us but it just made things worse.政府什么时候帮过我们呢When has a government ever done anything to help us?那倒是True.伦敦那些臃肿的吸血虫Fat leeches, down London.他们会让我们饿死的They'll starve us all to death.o[议会]这些会议 现在居然敢在光天化日下举行These meetings, now held brazenly and in plain sight,而且还有很多人参加are attended in numbers in many instances经常人数超过三 四 五千exceeding three, four, five thousand.他们为巴古利 和他那些卑鄙的同伙们And there the rallying cry of Bagguley欢呼雀跃and his scurrilous brethren这些人深受没文化 没信仰的暴徒们的欢迎are hallooed by the ill-educated, ungodly mob用暴力和血腥的方式煽动人群as they incite them in violent and in bloody terms.他们说的不是改革 而是毁灭They speak not of reform... but of destruction.我谦逊地请求您 大人Oh, I humbly beseech Your Lordship尽其所能to do all within your power以您的影响力掀起一场大洪水to bring forth a great deluge from above,这会为我们的土地重新带来和平与安宁that this may extinguish once and for all并一举消灭那些this most ferocious and bloody threat凶残的暴徒们带来的威胁to the peace and harmony of our... great land..."[抗议]今天 在伦敦这个大都会中and not insignificant encouragement...能够与如此广泛和忠诚的革命者们to be met here today in this great metropolis of London在此相遇 决不是无足轻重的鼓励with such a wide and devoted body of reformers.我敢肯定我们所有人 偶尔I am certain that we have all, at times,都面对过强大掌权者暴政的力量faced with the mighty forces of tyranny wielded by those in power...我们会觉得我们一切的努力就像是..felt that our actions were of no more impact将一块石头扔进大海里一样than the ripples thrown up除了激起几圈涟漪 再无其它by a single pebble tossed into the sea.[尾声]语出《圣经》启示录14:13我听到天上有声音说I heard a voice from heaven, saying unto me,你要写下"Write,从今以后'From henceforth在主里面死的人有福了blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.'是的 圣灵说Even so," saith the Spirit,他们在自己的劳作中得到休憩"for they rest from their labour."上帝怜悯我们Lord have mercy upon us.耶稣怜悯我们Christ have mercy upon us.上帝怜悯我们Lord have mercy upon us.我们天上的父亲Our Father, which art in heaven,以你之名保佑Hallowed be thy Name,神国降临Thy Kingdom come,旨意行在地上 如同行在天上Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven.赐予我们日用的食粮Give us this day our daily bread免我们的过失and forgive us our trespasses,如同我们免人之过失as we forgive them that trespass against us.引导我们远离诱惑And lead us not into temptation,救赎我们脱离邪恶but deliver us from evil.阿门Amen.