电影《娜娜 Nana》HD免费在线观看

娜娜 Nana7.8


演员:丸山智己 / 玉山铁二 / 平冈祐太 / 松山研一 / 绫野刚 / 纱荣子 / 宫崎葵 / 平泽里菜子 / 虎牙光挥 / 松田龙平 / 中岛美嘉 / 成宫宽贵 / 柳原晴郎







另一个译名是:世上的另一个我。小松奈奈(宫崎葵饰)要去见男朋友,在通往东京的火车上,她遇到了另一个Nana——大崎娜娜(中岛美嘉饰),娜娜希望去东京重组Black Stone乐队。两个nana一见如故,到达了东京有两人再次相遇,并且一同搬进了出租屋707。两人虽然有着同样的名字,却有着迥异的性格,在二人同居的生活期间,她们都受到了感情的创伤,她们在扶持中更加了解彼此,感情也越来越深,一路鼓励对方寻找自己的理想。


  • 来自网友【金豌豆】的评论很好看的电影,中毒一样喜欢两个nana--奈奈和娜娜。性格完全是南北两极的女孩子,都极致可爱,并没有特别波折的故事发生,最爱渗透式的表达方式,是关于女人的友谊并不是讲宿命的电影,娜娜像极了sd娃娃,奈奈到像是梁静如和李心洁的混合体,不会点评,喜欢就是了,邓格里格隆迪东,大家都看看吧。
  • 来自网友【流光溢彩】的评论 It’s a Japanese film, adapted from an original cartoon series. Its conception other than its language or actors reveals definitely the nationality of the film, for Japanese films always have no ending, even no beginning, which creates in the audience the sense of real-life. As is said above, it has no ending and beginning. The film starts since the two leading characters’ chance encounter in the train, with their backgrounds unknown. Just because of namesake, the two Nanas become good friends and accompany each other for at least a passage of life, according to the film. On the surface, it’s a film about growing pain and bliss, with love playing an important role in it. Deep within, one can see from the unity of the two characters a real-life young woman in modern society. These two characters have contradictory dispositions; thus, they can attract each other as to become bosom friends. Being modern and rebelling, the elder Nana plays the role of a girl monster while on the other hand, the younger Nana is relatively traditional, like an angel. Besides, because the elder Nana speaks little, her background in the film is revealed in the form of the flashback in her mind, while the younger Nana’s simple life is known by her talk. In light of such differences, they unconsciously learn from each other. For example, the elder Nana learns to enjoy more love and friendship while the younger Nana to be strong and independent. This aspect is especially notable in their distinct love experiences. Anyway, whether or not the love ends in success, it’s seen as a must experience in the process of growing up in the film. In terms of characterization, the film surpasses many others in that it creates two equal leading roles, favoring different audience, instead of two roles with one inferior to the other, especially one girl always giving the other a hard time.