此房是我造 The House That Jack Built-HD


类型:恐怖 / 惊悚 / 犯罪地区:丹麦,法国,瑞典,德国,比利时,突尼斯年份:2018

导演:拉斯 / 提尔

演员:Alice Nordmark / 吉欧 / 格拉宝 / 艾德 / 奥赛 / 阿诺德 / 布鲁诺 / 法尔斯特伦 / 大卫 / 法隆 / 罗伯特 / 苏菲 / 克里斯蒂安 / 丽莉 / 斯皮伊尔斯




林间公路,面无表情的杰克(马特·狄龙 Matt Dillon 饰)搭载了一名汽车抛锚的女子。女子自作聪明,聒噪无比,最终被杰克用千斤顶砸死。这起事件仿佛为杰克打开了一扇地狱之门,从此他走上了充满血液和寒冰的魔鬼之路。他对美有着偏执极端的追求,他从物质到精神都有着高度洁癖,他亲手为自己设计完美的房屋,却往往因为不满意而彻底拆掉。在此期间,杀戮让杰克体会到莫大的快感。他自诩为“精致先生”,将女性锁定为所猎杀的目标。他的胆子越来越大,不仅将谋杀现场的照片寄给报社,更游戏般地周旋徘徊在警方和受害者面前。


  • 来自网友【Vague Edge】的评论women abuse and children execution are totally di sgusting. I don't see any humanity, just arrogance, extreme narcissism and wiseacre.Its design and i mage are obviously much more terrible and mess y than The Nymphomaniac. What I saw was just a director who wanted to blow up himself to show off how abnormal and cruel he was, and he was just li ke Jack, mediocre and lack of talent.I'm not a guy who confirms social morality, but the se plots and the topic it wanted to express are aga inst humanity, art and basic conscience. And it is misogyny. So it will never become a masterpiece, not even a cult flim. It is just the product of excessi ve hubris and morbidity.