24小时 第八季 24 Season 8-第16集


类型:悬疑 / 动作 / 犯罪地区:美国年份:2010

导演:迈克尔 / 克利克 / 米兰 / 麦科米克 / 尼尔森 / 布拉德 / 特纳 / 赫伊洛夫

演员:米拉巴尔-拉莫斯 / 阿兰 / 莫里斯 / 阿萨夫 / 埃里克 / 莱杰斯库 / 哈塞 / 费拉 / 拉米尼 / 雷尼 / 贝特斯 / 吉恩 / 詹姆斯 / 拉海尔 / 纳齐恩




这一次,袭击将在纽约展开。经过第七季的努力,杰克(基弗·萨瑟兰 Kiefer Sutherland 饰)终于获得了总统的赦免,现在一身轻松的与女儿和孙女过着简单、轻松的幸福生活。可是这样的生活却没有持续多久,一名雇佣兵找上门来,希望杰克能回到重新组建的CTU,帮忙调查一场即将展开的恐怖阴谋。原来,一个中东国家的总统打算和泰勒总统签署一项联合声明,但是中东国家的反对派却极力想组织这次联合声明的签署,所以想刺杀这位总统。杰克不得不接受了这次任务,同时克洛伊(玛丽·莱恩·莱杰斯库 Mary Lynn Rajskub 饰)也被临时召集回来帮助杰克进行数据分析,但是已经身为人母,所以克洛伊无法集中精力全心帮助杰克,而杰克还要带着没有什么处理恐怖袭击经验的新人一同调查。面对全新的CTU,已经陌生的环境下,杰克还能顺利阻止袭击吗?


  • 来自网友【别姩】的评论第九季刚播时我刚开始做毕业论文。其实几年前就看了第一季的第一集当时maybe年少无知根本没有发现如此动荡焦急的剧情,追了第九季第一集后开始认真狂补24,中间断断续续,然后到现在补完。其实第八季是我看的最提心吊胆的一季,因为已经看完live another day,知道Jack在第八季做了什么伤害俄国的事,所以在最后几集时老害怕Jack一怒之下冲到俄国大使馆去杀人= =好吧其实我内心不希望他这个样子的这样我怕我的英雄就要有污点了%>_<%;还一个提心吊胆的地方是chole的丈夫和孩子被撞死。。。我怕我看到那一幕会泪崩不过还好这个没演,第九季直接就这样交代了。整体看完,中间有些是我熬夜不睡一口气看完一季的,每次看完一季我都要歇好久,因为我的确承受不来jack所遭遇的这些,每季看完都要难过好久。就剧情来说,因为看的太集中,有些已经模糊不清了,但我印象最深刻,觉得最让人无法呼吸的就是第一季了,整季围绕行次总统和拯救妻女展开,线索很集中,而中间有些烂季总是解决掉一个又出现另一个,感觉编剧像在凑集数,不过当然有时候我也喜欢这种凑因为起码我不用一天都放不下剧情,起码我可以在一个危机解除之后暂停去干点自己的事然后没有牵挂= =;最恼火的一季是DavidPalmer和小米被刺那一季,尼玛心碎啊再加上对Logan的咬牙切齿感觉自己要砸墙了。反正这些总统里面,我最喜欢的就是David了,Allison竟然演了后面两季让我觉得很无法接受但是看在小强面子上我还是看了,这个女人优柔寡断没有判断力除了善良一无是处,除了说Im counting on u 就是how could they do this,没感受到一点总统风范= =其他Jack的小伙伴们死的死死的死。。。好吧,其实Renee要是把脸上的雀斑bb一下的话我觉得我最喜欢的就是她了,至于Nina,怎么都喜欢不起来= =之前看第一季时我觉得这部剧里的定位除了英雄、傻逼、就是贱人;看到最后我发现真是太是这样了。。。anyway,我希望拍第十季,总之看剧对于Jack要抱着死要见尸的心态!
  • 来自网友【shoot】的评论最初是剧荒,想着看一部经典的美剧,看到《24小时》时,原以为是一集讲述一天24h的事,结果发现编剧真的不一般,一集大概40min讲述1h的事,一季24集看完其实才过了一天==看了几季下来,除了有些确实比较无语的情节外,还是蛮佩服编剧的。。越来越觉得应该写点什么,就当是纪念Jack,还有那些曾经在他身边的,以及少数比较幸运的仍在他身边的印象比较深的是第五季,开篇就给震惊到了,躲过了第一季一天的暗杀后,前总统还是遭人枪杀了,还有特别喜欢的一对Tony&Michelle也被杀了TAT,一直到最后Jack逼问总统大boss并安插窃听器获取证据,结尾在前总统鸣枪礼的时候,现总统被默默逮捕如果说第五季是剧情上设计得比较精彩,那么第七季可以说是思想上的升华。经过前面几季的各种铺垫,Jack的行事原则和个人信仰已经很明确了,无论何时,Jack总是能冷静地做出正确的选择,他永远站在正义的一边并会为了更高的利益而不顾一切,即使意味着要违抗命令、违反一系列法律规定、严刑逼供,甚至是牺牲自己。第七季很大篇幅在探讨Jack严刑逼供这一行为,也是Jack在正义与法律之间做出的选择。面对参议员的审问,Jack很坚定地说不后悔自己所做的决定;FBI探员Renee跟随Jack的这一天,从守法到触及法律边缘最终变成女小强,Renee渐渐理解并认同Jack的选择,但她内心还是很困惑,在与Jack的一系列对话中,最终Jack表示其实自己也很难做出决定,他知道法律是对的,但是为了遵守法律而不顾正义他无法忍受,因此他所做的选择是他内心能承受的,这样即使违法,他也不后悔。至于第八季后半部分Jack的血腥复仇,可以说是Jack那积压已久的小宇宙被引爆了。。在此之前不得不谈一下前几季Jack身边的各种配角首先当然是Jack身边的女配:1、Teri 个人并不喜欢Jack妻子的人物设定,完全是各种坑。。Teri在第一季被绑架后被救回又差点被绑架然后失忆到最后被杀,只能说是编剧为了刻画Jack这一悲剧英雄人物,也铺垫了Jack无法保护自己最牵挂的人,反正Jack身边的女配下场都很惨,当然女儿Kim除外,不过已经不想吐槽Kim,一出场各种坑2、Nina 第一季CTU里面Jack最信任的最终被编剧反转成内鬼还杀了Jack妻子,第二季中挟持了Jack并准备杀死Jack还要求总统赦免(当然Jack还是更厉害),第三季中以病毒感染CTU来谈判(不料有Chloe2333),最终被Jack直接枪杀。Nina算是Jack复仇杀人的开端,不得不说Jack一直都在忍但忍耐毕竟是有限度的,Nina一而再再而三这样结局也可想而知。虽然Nina是个反派但还蛮喜欢她的,笑起来有点像伊娃,智商永远在线,水平和Jack有一拼,如果她是在正义的一方,肯定是第二个Jack3、Kate 第二季里面恐怖分子的姐姐,和Jack关系很微妙,作为一个普通群众的视角看待Jack,对Jack从不解到理解。Jack让Kate去接Kim的时候,Kim说她父亲很少信任别人,但最后Jack与Kate还是没有进一步发展,应该是Jack还没有从Teri的死中走出来4、Audrey 第四季里面国防部长的女儿,与褪去特工身份变成安全顾问形象的Jack很配,但是Jack毕竟是Jack呀,一回到CTU全能特工Jack又复活了,严刑逼供甚至为了救嫌疑人获取情报而命令医生放弃救Audrey的丈夫Paul,而Paul此之前被Jack严刑拷打但被证明清白后又协助Jack还为Jack挡了一枪才受伤,最终Paul因治疗不及时而死,亲眼目睹这一切的Audrey内心阴影可想而知。期间Tony与Audrey的对话:T:To tell you the truth, I couldn't believe it when I heard Jack taking a desk job in DC. A:He said it was happier this way. T:En huh... well, you got the chance to see him in both worlds today. You think he'd go back wearing a suit? A:After the hell Jack's been through today, you think he wanna come back to this? T:Some people are more comfortable in hell. A:Are you talking about Jack, or yourself?最后Audrey反问Tony,显然答案会是Both,毕竟Tony和Jack算是同一类的了,只不过Tony是情感战胜了理智,后面会详细写一下Tony 第四季结尾Jack被迫隐姓埋名,第五季开篇知道Jack假死消息的David和Michelle被杀,Tony重伤昏迷,Chloe也被追杀,于是Jack不得不露面,而后Audrey得知Jack还活着并且还爱着自己,两人又迎来了短暂的幸福,但是第五季结尾Jack遭天朝绑架被虐近两年,第六季开篇因恐怖分子需要才被交换回,后来Jack发现被告知已经死去的Audrey其实还在天朝手里,Jack又开始了违抗命令单枪匹马救回Audrey,然而Audrey已经被天朝虐得。。于是就有了国防部长Heller与Jack的一系列对话:H:You are cursed, Jack. Everything you touch, one way or another, ends up dead.(s6e20)J:I just watched my father die, and I felt nothing. You know why? Yeah, you know why. Because that man was dead to me years ago. I admired you, I looked up to you like a father. You were the kind of man I wanted to be, and you took advantage of it. ... J:Earlier today, you said that I was cursed, that anyone I touched ended up dead or ruined. How dare you? How...dare you? The only thing I did, the only thing I have ever done, is what you and people like you have asked me. ... H:Simply getting your life back, Jack, isn't gonna change who you are. And you can't walk away from it. You know that. You've tried it. Sooner or later you're gonna get back in the game. And my daughter is gonna pay the price, like your wife did."(s6e24)听到这些话的时候真的有被刺到。。Jack所做的只是那些发布命令的人只想要结果而不愿知道过程的事,Jack何尝不想过正常人一样的生活,但是他的工作他的原则使得他牵挂的人他关心的人时刻都处于潜在的威胁之中,最终他还是对熟睡中的Audrey告别了:"I know that I promise to take care of you and protect you, but I'm in a crossroads. Right now, the best way, the only way, to do that is to let you go. I hope one day you can understand. I hope one day you can forgive me. I love you with all of my heart. I always will."(s6e24)Audrey是继Teri后被虐得很惨的一个,对Jack的打击也就不言而喻了5、Renee 第七季出场的FBI探员,潜在的女小强,信仰慢慢趋同Jack,但最终还是没能承受住一切,最终的最终第八季在Jack公寓里被狙击手枪杀了。。 先是第七季开篇参议员与Jack的对话,Jack表示自己不后悔曾经做出的决定和所做的一切:J:The truth, senator, is I stopped that attack from happening. S:By torturing Mr. Haddad. J:By doing what I deem necessary to protect innocent lives. S:So basically what you are saying, Mr. Bauer, is that the ends justify the means, and that you are above the law. J:When I am activated, when I am brought into a situation, there is a reason. And that reason is to complete the objectives of my mission at all costs. S:Even if it means breaking the law? J:For a combat soldier, the difference between success and failure is your ability to adapt to your enermy. The people that I deal with, they don't care about your rules. All they care about is a result. My job is to stop them from accomplishing their objectives. I simply adapted. In answer to your question, am I above the law? No, sir. I am more than willing to be judged by the people you claim to represent. I will let them decide what price I should pay. But please do not sit there with that smug look on your face, and expect me to regret the decisions that I have made. Because, sir, the truth is, I don't.接着是第七季里面Renee和Jack的一系列对话:(s7e1) J:What do you want me to do? This is your call. R:Do whatever it takes.(s7e6) R:And the four of you really think you can stop this? J:We have to. It's as simple as that. (s7e8) R:That's stepping over the line, Jack. J:You stepped over the line the second you interrogated Tanner. R:Tanner's a murderer. As far as we know, Vossler's wife is completely innocent, let alone a small child. J:When are you people gonna stop thinking everyone else is following your rules? They're not! Dubaku is gonna kill Henry Taylor within the next 45 minutes unless we find him. You got one of two choices. Now you can either phone the president and explain to her that your conscience won't allow you to do what necessary to save him, or you can simply do what is necessary. Pick one! L:Jack...Jack! The rules are what make us better. J:Not today. ... J:Are you okay? R:No, I don't think I am... J:Listen to me, we could not have gotten this far if it wasn't for you, okay? No one would blame you if this was just too much for you to handle. Maybe you should get out. R:Maybe I will. J:Yeah. R:Tomorrow. (s7e10) J:That was Larry. They got the drive. Chloe's gonna be working on them. They should have something in the next few minutes. R:Tha's all that matters. Right, Jack? J:I don't like what happened to Marika any more than you do. We did what was necessary. You'd better figure out a way to live with it. R:How, Jack? Pretend that it never happened? Is it that easy for you? J:I'll let you know when Chloe's got something. ... J:What happened to Marika was a tragedy. But I'm not going to stand here and tell you what we did was wrong, because we weren't. She made a choice, a brave one, to get involved, but she made it. R:God, listen to yourself, Jack. You don't even sound human. Don't you feel anything? J:We had a job to do, to protect the hundreds if not thousands of innocent lives, that would not have had a choice if we let a terrorist attack take place. What we did wasn't wrong. It was necessary. R:I read your file. When your wife was killed, did you feel that, or did you just tell yourself that that was necessary? J:What do you want from me? What do you want from me? R:I just want to know that you feel something! I want to know that you feel the same kind of pain that I do. Do you feel that? Do you feel that? J:It's all right. You're gonna be all right. It's gonna take a while. But you will learn to live with it. R:What if I don't want to learn to live with it? J:Then quit.Renee从许可Jack用一切手段获取情报,到自己严刑拷问犯人以获取情报,接着协助Jack威胁恐怖分子的家人被说是monster,然后无奈让无辜的Marika带引他们接近Dubaku直到最后行动失败Marika因车祸死去,Renee已经无法承受了,Jack告诉她,他们没有选择,这是唯一能阻止恐怖分子的办法,这是他们为了更高利益而必需做的,Renee问Jack是否一样感受到痛苦。。Jack心中的痛苦可以说是常人心中无法想象的惹,只是在无数次的痛苦后,Jack学会了默默忍受着一切痛苦。第七季中间Jack与Senator的对话,第一次听到Jack亲口说出这些也是很心酸,对那些为了更高利益而牺牲的无辜生命Jack心中充满了悔恨:S:At the hearing this morning, you said you had no regrets about what you've done. But what I saw was a man full of regret. J:Of course I have regrets, Senator. I regret losing my family. My wife was murdered because I was responsible for protecting David Palmer during an assassination attempt. My daughter can't even look at me. Every day, I regret looking into the eyes of men, women and children, knowing that at any moment, their lives might be deemed expendable in an effort to protect the greater good. I regret every decision or mistake I might have made that resulted in the loss of a single innocent life. But you know what I regret the most, is that this world even needs people like me. S:So you think I'm naive to believe we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard of combat? J:Doesn't even matter what I think, Senator. You just need to understand where I work things get a lot messier than where you work on the hill. S:What you've lost, Mr.Baur, is tragic. What you've been compelled to do in the name of saving innocent life is tragic. Sometimes we need to incur the most horrible losses in order to uphold the ideals that this country was founded on. How can we presume to lead the world unless we set an example? J:You make it sound so simple. S:Well, maybe it's simpler than you think. Maybe all the things that you've seen and all the things that you've done have clouded your vision.第七季结尾,Renee为了阻止被抓到的反派脱罪,纠结要不要用严刑逼供时与Jack的对话,如果不严刑逼供反派肯定会脱罪日后又会发起恐怖袭击,但是严刑逼供又是违法的:J:What happened? R:He's denying everything, claims that we don't have a case against him. J:Is he right? R:Maybe. Which means he has absolutely no reason to tell us who else is involved in this with him. But I can make him talk. If we don't find these people, one day they will launch another attack. And I don't see how I can live with myself knowing that there was something I could have done to stop it. I don't know what to do. J:I can't tell you what to do. I've been wrestling with this my whole life. I see 15 people held hostage on a bus, and anything else goes out the window. And I'll do whatever it takes to save them, and I mean whatever it takes. I guess maybe I thought... if I save them, I'd save myself. R:Do you regret anything that you did today? J:No. Telling again, I don't work for the FBI. R:I don't understand. J:You took an oath. You made a promise to uphold the law. When you cross that line, it always starts off with a small step. Before you know it, you're running as fast as you can in the wrong direction just to justify what you started in the first place. These laws were written by much smarter men than me. And in the end, I know that these laws have to be more important than the 15 people on the bus. I know that's right. In my mind, I know that's right. I just don't think my heart could ever have lived with it. I guess the only advice I can give you is try to make choices that you can live with.最后Renee显然进行了严刑逼供,然而并没有获取到情报,而她也离开了FBI,但是并没有从中恢复。第八季里面Jack发现参加卧底行动的Renee其实是在试图自杀,后来Renee失控杀死了曾暴力对待她的Vlad,Jack为了让CTU撤销对Renee的指控于是答应指挥行动。本来一切就这样顺利结束,结果Renee被之前参加卧底行动时的一人认出,为了避免Renee能发现更大阴谋,大boss派狙击手枪杀了Renee,还是在Jack公寓里两人刚刚开始拥抱幸福。。至此,Jack喜欢的女人又一次被杀了==再就是Jack身边的男配:1、Tony第一季中Jack领导的CTU里面的一个小角色,后来逐渐成为Jack最信任最强有力的队友。第三季成为CTU负责人,和另一名同事Michelle成为一对,两人超级甜,第三季结尾Tony为了救Michelle而放走恐怖分子被离职。第四季在Jack和Audrey遭遇危机时,Jack一个电话直接打给了Tony。此时Tony和Michelle已经分开了,原因是之前Tony一直酗酒一蹶不振,不过在Jack的一再劝说下,Tony又重返CTU,并与Michelle再次相遇又一起工作,两人关系逐渐好转并最终又幸福地一起了。第五季开篇Michelle被杀,Tony好不容易活下来了准备杀死反派给Michelle报仇结果犹豫的瞬间被反派给杀了,当Tony在Jack怀中死去的时候,Jack是有多痛苦唉。。第七季开篇Jack被告知Tony其实并没有死还成了恐怖分子,后来Jack发现其实Tony是作为卧底和Bill、Chloe一起想找出政府部门中的腐败分子,于是两人又开始并肩作战,一直到最后Tony背叛Jack再一次不顾国家安全只为给Michelle复仇,而同样失去妻子的Jack内心也很无奈痛苦,只能说Tony最终是情感战胜了理智,没有谁对谁错。2、Bill、Mason、Chappelle、CurtisCTU负责人,最喜欢的就是Bill,正直领导力强,最终在白宫因救总统等人而采取自杀式爆炸,而Mason在遭辐射没救了后又开飞机投递核弹而牺牲,Bill和Mason都是牺牲的,而本来牺牲的会是Jack。Chappelle是被恐怖分子要求杀死的,最终Jack在ddl之前因未能找到反派而无奈只能按照总统命令杀了Chappelle,而Curtis是用枪威胁到一名已获得总统赦免的恐怖分子而被Jack无奈开枪杀死。在Jack心中,他们都是因自己而死。现在从Jack最开始的复仇一直到第八季最后的血腥复仇:对于第一个仇人,即杀死Jack妻子的Nina,Jack几次为了国家安全而忍住了自己的复仇念头,但最终Nina再一次威胁到自己女儿时,Jack终于开枪杀了她。然后是第五季开篇唯一知道Jack假死消息的四个朋友先后有三个被杀,对于参与谋杀的Henderson,他在帮助解除潜艇的导弹威胁后再一次逃跑,于是Jack直接开枪杀了他。再是第六季中突然出现的Jack的父亲和哥哥,俩反派,哥哥被Jack严刑拷打,而Jack此时才知道自己最好的几个朋友Tony、Michelle、David其实是被他哥哥下令谋杀的,最终Jack哥哥被他父亲谋杀,而最终的最终Jack让自己的父亲被空袭而死,这样的家庭。。终于,到第八季Renee被杀而总统为了和平协议不愿让Jack揭露真相还想囚禁Jack,此时的Jack再也不相信任何体制了,为了正义,Jack自己做起了法官开始了血腥复仇的审判:对于CTU里的女间谍,Jack在拿到她手里的证据后就直接近距离连续开枪了。。对于杀死Renee的狙击手,Jack在对他严刑逼供不成后猜出他吞了手机卡,于是直接将他开膛了。。顺着手机卡,Jack黑衣武装拦截绑架了总统Logan,这一段Jack真的超级恐怖分子。。对于Logan供出的俄罗斯代表团团长,编剧直接给了最后代表团全灭的镜头。。而顺着在Logan身上安装的窃听器,Jack发现了大boss是俄罗斯总统,于是让Logan引诱出俄罗斯总统,并准备好了狙击,当然最终被Chloe劝回了一丝理智,最后并没有杀死俄罗斯总统。结尾女总统在看到Jack录像后在最终的最终还是回头了,而Jack又开始了逃亡的生活。最后不得不致敬这位一直在Jack身边的女黑客Chloe:第三季出场,CTU技术担当,虽然Chloe在整部剧一直是嘟着嘴皱着眉这一Chloe专属表情,但真的是越来越喜欢她。她对Jack的信任非常让人感动:无论何时何地,Jack被通缉也罢,只要是Jack一个电话打过来要Chloe帮忙调查情报或是给后援支持,Chloe总是站在Jack这一边,即使自己会被离职,即使被发现后别人不理解,甚至在有了自己的家庭后,她依旧如此,而Chloe的理由就是“He is my friend.” 作为朋友,她知道Jack的原则和信仰,她知道Jack无论做出什么不可思议的事都一定有他的原因,因为Jack永远不会背叛他的祖国。可以说,如果没有Chloe这样一个可以值得信任的技术后援支持,Jack无法做到他想做的,Jack有这样一个朋友真的是令人欣慰。第八季最终Jack对Chloe的感谢:"When you first came to CTU, I never thought it was gonna be you that was gonna cover my back all those years. And I know that everything that you did today was trying to protect me. I know that. Thank you."季终告别Chloe&JackPS.至于所谓的第九季【再活一天】并不是很喜欢,完全是之前的各种模式定律:Jack喜欢的唯一还活着的Audrey又被Jack的克星Cheng绑架好不容易被救后最终还是被枪杀,至此真的成了Jack喜欢的都被杀了。。然后反派里面的女boss超级残忍,最终直接被Jack提起来从楼上摔下去了。。而Jack的克星Cheng最终直接被Jack砍头了。。而结局还是一如既往的惨,Jack为了救Chloe而把自己交给俄罗斯了。。。这一季就是看情怀了THE END.