

类型:犯罪 / 剧情 / 欧美剧地区:内详年份:2017

导演:大卫 / 卡弗里

演员:汤姆 / 科尔 / 娜塔莎 / 艾德里安 / 安德鲁 / 海伦 / 克拉克 / 兰朵 / 阿尔莫 / 杰弗森-蒂尔尼 / 夏莉 / 保罗 / 艾丹 / 詹森 / 吉伦






  • 来自网友【小V爱看剧】的评论剧情到了第四季,兄弟间开始产生隔阂,Shelby家族将何去何从?世仇黑手党的出现,使家族成员又一次被紧密团结起来,因为信任家族生而个人活的在这一季中都活着,被老婆洗脑认为可以靠自己的约翰领了饭盒,他那吉普赛老婆真是自私自利,害了爱她的约翰。约翰的死最伤心的莫过于爱他的两个哥哥,兄弟情贯穿整部剧感人至深。世仇的了断除了你死就是我活,揪着心看完这一季,里头的阳谋和算计还有超级反转太精彩了,Tommy最后获得党头的胜利跨入了政界,让故事又提升了层次和打开了想象的空间,Shelby家族又一次浴火重生凤凰涅槃。戏种情节太多不能一一赘述,推荐。👍👍。
  • 来自网友【momo】的评论Arthur's unwavering loyalty and willingness to take on the unsavory tasks for Tommy make him an indispensable member of the Shelby family. Initially, I had my doubts about Arthur's allegiance, given his age and his position under Tommy's authority. Moreover, Tommy often treats Arthur as if he were the younger one, which can strain their relationship. Despite this, Arthur has never betrayed Tommy, except for one attempt to escape and a suicidal episode. Apart from that, he is the most trustworthy figure in the family, even more reliable than Polly.When it comes to his brothers, John's recklessness and tendency to ignore the rules, as well as Finn's youth and inexperience, make them less suitable for the job. It is Arthur's level-headedness and unshakable loyalty that sets him apart from the others and makes him a valuable asset to the Shelby family. What are your thoughts on Arthur's character in the show? Do you think he will remain a steadfast ally to Tommy, or will his loyalty be tested at some point?(从我的reddit post直接搬运的,有空翻译)