魔兽 Warcraft-第01集


类型:奇幻 / 动作 / 冒险地区:美国,大陆,加拿大,日本年份:2016

导演:邓肯 / 琼斯

演员:雷尼 / 布朗 / 博尔克利 / 吉斯 / 希尔德布兰特 / 库德摩尔 / 克洛斯 / 佩恩 / 赖德奥特 / 麦肯锡 / 杜菲尔德 / 安东纳科斯 / 泰瑞 / 丹尼尔 / 施耐泽




这是一个人类和兽人共存,和谐相处,互不侵犯的世界。人类生活在艾泽拉斯大陆中,兽人则在德拉诺劳作繁衍。某日,邪恶的兽人古尔丹(吴彦祖 饰)出现了,它打开了黑暗之门,肆意屠戮手无寸铁的人类,将艾泽拉斯大陆变为了一片地狱的火海。与此同时,曾经与世无争的兽人们如今变得凶猛残暴,他们来到人类的领地,在这里烧杀抢掠,无恶不作。
杜隆坦(托比·凯贝尔 Toby Kebbell 饰)是霜狼氏族的酋长,他发现了古尔丹的野心和阴谋,于是带领着自己的部族千里迢迢来到了艾泽拉斯,在此处,人类领袖洛萨(崔维斯·费米尔 Travis Fimmel 饰)亦在寻找结束战争的两全之道。


  • 来自网友【miao】的评论Nostalgic for me I think it's OK. 6 or 7 out of 10? Many orcs were angry and said he cheated. Using magic was not honorable A warlock is an evil sorcerer. He's the one using the green magic called fel Yes and durotan wants to kill him. Not have his people corrupted by dark magic The horde is all of their allied tribes and races Others are called alliance Dwarves. Dranai. Humans. Elves. Are alliance Orcs. Undead. Tauren. Blood elves. Are horde I forget some others in the game They are from a war culture but some are nicer than others They are orcs and then come to humans world to find a nicer place to live because theirs is barren. All desert etc I remember that language in the game lol And the blue ones. Are dranai