来自网友【Rian】的评论Congrats to Chunk, 职位又丢了,还体验了一把监狱。We are all players, don’t we? Life is like the battlefield, everyone play their cards. The best strategy is always they don’t even know when you are playing. 对于Mike这个人物,其实很典型的top player. 他们用诋毁、谎言、欺骗、操纵去赢得自己想要的事物,他们寻求刺激,永远处于endless game中,为了胜利不停的与他人对抗,people in this type has one specific character that is you do not show any vunlerable part of yourself. Otherwise you will definitely lose. 他们从不懂退让为何物。Chunk明白Mike和他自己一样,chasing for the thrilling and cannot resist the pleasure of winning. 这样的人不论是否准备充分,都会坐在赌轮盘面前,一轮又一轮的不愿退出,以至于Mike最后扔了3.5 billions进去。他们不惜多大的代价,也要胜利。那他们想要什么?他们想要被尊敬,被敬仰。Mike觉得有些人被命运掌控,而他能掌控自己的命运。可往往他们终归得不到爱。你看起来无懈可击,又异常强大,你认为你有权有势可以买通任何事。你误以为对方会为你折服、停留在此,可你不知,在对方眼里,她也会有自己想要去实现的东西。你公司的雇员可以一直围着你转,但你身边的人不会。男性喜欢年龄小很多的女性大抵也是掌控欲的体现。You wanna everything under control, but honey, we do not play this card for our friends and lovers. You cannot win someone’s love. 如果你发现你在一段关系中可以经常占领优势、得意满满,那其实是因为她愿意让你赢。可惜的是,处于战场上的人,怎会允许除了自己之外的人赢呢?Probably the dilemma of learning to love. 明白自己的欲望不必然是坏事,事先想清楚后果,遵循理智判断。You are allowed to change your mind or decide this is not what your want. Then like Taylor said, I will back you on your side until the fucking end.