


导演:基斯 / 戈登

演员:丹妮丝 / 萨邦圭 / 帕特里克 / 伊丽莎白 / 克耐普 / 福穆萨 / 尼娜 / 曼迪 / 多米尼克 / 帕廷金 / 玛维尔 / 鲁伯特 / 罗彻 / 霍斯 / 莱纳斯




在德国转了一圈后,美剧《国土安全》第六季的故事将回到美国纽约,在近日举行的TCA冬季会议上,播出单位Showtime的负责人David Nevins透露了上述消息。


  • 来自网友【铃清榆】的评论我看国土,跟看越狱和24小时一样,不管编剧怎么继续编,不管现在已经多少年头了,我都会继续关注继续看下去。看的是情怀!他们就像是我的朋友,熟悉的朋友。S6-1:poor奎恩,为国家牺牲了那么多,却没有得到好的照顾。将军是T-bag客串的!对这个演员是怎么都恨不起来。还有脸熟的女总统,邓芭?她不是已经退出竞选了,怎么又当上总统啦…再想想,哎,那是纸牌屋的时空啊…S6-2:最后五分钟无声胜有声,奎恩视频的残酷、触目惊心到让人觉得这几分钟相对相依的安静是那样的珍贵。那几句简单的why真的藏了太多太多情感,每一次why都直戳人心!好虐!泪目⋯虽然死了布罗迪,但我还是很喜欢这个剧。反恐好看,感情戏更好看。达尔始终是只老狐狸,贼贼地看索尔被卡莉骗。卡莉青出于蓝,优秀间谍,总跟索尔有演不完的欺骗与信任。国士的水准真是一如既往地好!!!S6-3:喜欢国土,喜欢里面人设的恒定:卡莉的行动力,奎恩的天赋直觉,索尔的细致老练还有达尔的阴险。几次自暴自弃的奎恩为守护卡莉重新端起枪那一刻,真是感动的一塌糊涂。所以说,陪伴守护是最长情的告白!奎恩拿枪的那一秒就恢复了机敏的杀手特工状态,那眼神犀利一如往昔。这演员太有chemistry,已经抢戏到可以忽略其他剧情了。S6-5: 很精彩的一集。让人又陷入一种无力、阔不见边际的巨大阴谋中⋯S6-7:达尔彻底黑化,T-bag将军是同谋。果然坏人就要找T-bag来演。S6-8:德国姐姐的冤死激发了奎恩的斗志。神犬奎恩回归。S6-9、10:战斗默默开始了,虽然还没有开火,但是很紧凑很精彩,每一个细节都看得人紧张而刺激。小房间的线索密密麻麻,卡莉不愧是顶级特工。可惜女儿是她的软肋,要不然真的无敌。S6-11:貌似达尔也只是颗棋子。结尾又是炸弹,开战了……S6-12:奎恩壮烈牺牲,可怜的卡莉最后看相片的时候才明白奎恩的心思。好虐!!布洛迪死的时候我的心情难过好久,好不容易出现了奎恩,编剧又让男主死,唉,卡莉的命太硬了。本季结局了才反应过来,Dar并不是很坏,他说女总统有哪里不对头,unamerican.反美。最后的大清洗、独裁政权,真的是印证了。意想不到的反转,女总统非善类!国土的编剧有个强项,不需要枪战打斗场面,就可以把很平常的事情拍摄得很紧张很惊险,比如Max醉酒进家这段,无论在剧情上还是情感氛围上都很有必要的存在:一是勾起卡莉对奎恩的回忆,其次是自然而然地营造出了紧张的气氛。童管局的人来家访,磨蹭了蛮久,我就一直担心Max会突然出现而搞砸,最后没被发现,家访顺利通过,我跟女主一样长出了一口气。有点像S1结局那里,布洛迪和总统及国会议员躲在安全屋的紧张十分钟,以为要发生什么却什么都没有发生。这是国土特色!
  • 来自网友【gooogolplex】的评论January 15, 2017The sixth season premiere of Homeland finally revealed Peter Quinn’s condition after his near-fatal brush with death last season (premiere episode spoilers below). As played by actor Rupert Friend, Quinn has dramatically changed — his body and mind seriously eroded from his exposure to sarin gas last year. Having given up hope on making any further improvement, Quinn is pushing away his friend Carrie (Clarie Danes) and just trying to escape from his new reality in a VA hospital. Below, we spoke to Friend about his character’s dramatic change.ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Okay, so what was your reaction when you go the premiere script and how dramatically Quinn was changed? Rupert Friend: It’s tricky because the script didn’t say to what extent or in what way he’s changed. There was a lot of room for imagination or creativity because there wasn’t a manual on what we were seeing or hearing with this guy. The Homeland [script writing] style is very sparse, it’s pretty much just the words that actors say and not a lot more, which I happen to really like because there’s a huge amount of freedom afforded. So I saw this as an opportunity to explore something that’s under-explored in our popular narratives — which is a modern returning soldier. Not with fanfare and streamers, like maybe it was 100 or 50 years ago. But modern warfare spits veterans out and forgets about them. Veterans are coming home to us with diseases, ailments, and inabilities that we’re not even really qualified to deal with. PTSD is an obvious one, but chemical warfare being the other one. In wars in the first part of the 20th century you would have been run through or shot, and you had land mines and bombs. But chemical warfare now is a whole other horror story. This is a popular show and a popular character and it’s important we tell this story as truthfully as we can.In terms of the physicality of your performance, how did you go about creating that? There was a lot of research. It wasn’t necessarily clear what was happening to him. I spoke with doctors, neuroscientists, veterans. Weirdly, YouTube was incredibly helpful. There were are a lot of people who have suffered and with the power of YouTube or Vimeo they have made a lot of tutorials they’ve put out to help others. It’s an amazing spirit of people helping others who they’re never going to meet, and it’s a wonderful thing about the Internet because there’s no payback — maybe you’ll get some Likes or something— but it’s people teaching each other how to coop with impossible circumstances. There’s a huge sense of community and generosity.It seems like such a delicate thing to pull off. A few degrees too much it becomes like a caricature. It’s a dramatic difference for Quinn, yet there also has a lot of subtlety to it. Since I felt like I got inside a community of real people the idea of doing anything that didn’t do that justice would have been very insulting to them. While I didn’t want to shy away from the more dramatic effects these things can have on people, you got to do them justice, otherwise it’s, as you say, a caricature, and I’m not interested in doing sideshow freak show stuff. It’s not respectful and not interesting, and it gets boring quickly.Even your voice pitch is different and, if I’m not mistaken, the way you use your eyes is different too. Thank you. It’s a weird thing to try and imagine your entire neurological pathway has been short-circuited and re-wired badly. Having that as an obstacle, the storyline gets into very extreme places very quickly and overcoming those obstacles would be hard enough for somebody who is firing on all cylinders. But I think the hardest thing for Quinn is his confusion — Is this really what I’m seeing?In the first episode, the read on Quinn that you get as a viewer is that he’s clearly in so much pain and just wants to escape. That’s perfect. It’s been nine months, he’s done all the counseling and the tests and the physical [therapy], he’s come to terms with himself. The place where we shot the Veterans Administration was beyond depressing. This is your life. If you’re Quinn, you collect your check, you blow it all on one night to have one night away from it all, then you’re back in prison, effectively. There’s a genuine thing he’s saying to Carrie, Will you just give up on me because I have.Can you tease to what we can expect from Quinn the rest of the season? The altered perception of reality that Quinn has, which is fascinating and scary, his misreading of normal and simple situations, is going to be a huge problem for him and going to cause him to entangle himself into complicated and dangerous situations. We’ve seen Quinn get out of dangers situations but they’re not of his own making due to his inability to comprehend reality. We’re in this weird Fear and Loathing place where reality is a scary place … What’s really interesting is that Homeland is doing something I don’t think any TV show has done before, where you have a character in season 6 and he’s basically unrecognizable from the previous seasons. We’ve seen shows run and run with characters who come back season after season, but the idea that one of those characters comes back after they’ve changed … I think it’s risky and I like that. Some will say, “But where’s my old friend?” But that’s not the way the world works and I applaud Homeland for its bravery.