来自网友【秦蝶】的评论Okay...typical earth kingdom style typical earth kingdom gobernante .Everyone knows what's happening (maybe) but tiny citizens can only fight their own lives against the real monster that make their lives hard .The real freedom can only got by citizen's free will .Wish there will be a real hero so that anyone can do anything .Earth kingdom ,surely. 我以为节奏问题,细节问题是编剧的问题。看了这么久才发现是导演太次极端无政府主义者是不合理的,没有智慧和理想的人民只会带来混乱和暴力。一个好的政府不会告诉人民该如何做而是给人民提供必备的智慧以及可调配的资源。这样的,才是马克思理想中共产国家。只是在过渡期间,在人民全部开化(理解爱和他人)不再引起争端前,已经恶化的人民需要被除尽。包括旧有既得利益者。