来自网友【Leopolddd】的评论1月写的:非常非常喜欢《安多》这部剧。作为一部星球大战衍生剧,《安多》不像《曼达洛人》《波巴费特之书》或者《欧比旺》那样讲几个英雄秉承个人主义在星际之间行侠仗义的故事,而是讲述了为什么people rise up and fight against the empire:在一个权力不被约束而侵害普通人生存的帝国,安多作为一个普通平民一开始并无反抗帝国之心,直到有一天帝国找上门来,安多被判入狱并永无出狱之希望,他才走上了反抗之路。这种反抗,很多时候是更真实的英雄出山的故事。在帝国时代,英雄主义不是狗屁的认清生活真相而热爱生活,因为权力的铁蹄下没有生活可言,英雄主义也不是Jedi们开局自带原力天生是帝国的反角,英雄主义就是普通人被欺凌得没有了基本的尊严而选择站起来反抗。卢森在回答自己为了这场革命牺牲了什么的时候说,”Calm, Kindness, kinship, love. I've given up all chance at inner peace. I've made my mind a sunless place. I share my dreams with ghosts. I wake up every day to an equation I wrote fifteen years ago from which there's only one conclusion: I'm damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight, has set me on a path from which there's no escape. I yearned to be a savior for injustice without contemplating the cost, and by the time I looked down there was no longer any ground beneath my feet.""What is my sacrifice? I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burned my decency for someone else's future! I burned my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see! Now, the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude... so, what do I sacrifice? Everything!"