

导演:大卫 / 卡弗里

演员:汤姆 / 科尔 / 娜塔莎 / 艾德里安 / 安德鲁 / 海伦 / 克拉克 / 兰朵 / 阿尔莫 / 杰弗森-蒂尔尼 / 夏莉 / 保罗 / 艾丹 / 詹森 / 吉伦









  • 来自网友【儒雅随和】的评论即使汤米开篇就用上季的战利品化解了家族最大危机并获得帝国勋章,却仍然无法阻止生死边缘归来的剃刀党家族四分五裂。随后宁静的生活被黑手党的复仇拜帖所打断,先是埃斯梅不知好歹间接害死约翰,昔日无所不能的剃刀党遭受重大打击,被迫退守大本营;而后疯狂波莉与亚瑟将计就计,秉承“大鱼吃小鱼”这条亘古不变的道理(顺便碰瓷黑帮传奇阿尔卡彭),敌人最终被来自谢尔比家族的凌厉反击成功击退。最终家族成员重归于好,但汤米本人却始终无法得到安宁。由影帝艾德里安饰演的黑手党头目卢卡,初登场时在各方面碾压汤米谢尔比,但出于为剧情服务的目的也开始逐渐傲慢轻敌,最终暴毙;汤老师本季化身加钱居士,继续与男主上演合作出卖再合作的循环往复、相爱相杀,只不过这次汤米终于忍无可忍直接将其一枪爆头。本季其实算是六季中最具场面与看点的,但部分剧情稍显潦草牵强,很多时候都是靠主角光环强行加持来全知全能,节奏过于紧凑也导致最吸引观众的剧情反转进行得过快从而失去逻辑,其间穿插的资本主义和共产主义的冲突更是凸显出编剧对本剧的格局越来越难以把握。最后汤米作为帮派头领居然选择去从政(投票笑死),看来全世界大家想法都一样(狗头滑稽)。
  • 来自网友【momo】的评论Arthur's unwavering loyalty and willingness to take on the unsavory tasks for Tommy make him an indispensable member of the Shelby family. Initially, I had my doubts about Arthur's allegiance, given his age and his position under Tommy's authority. Moreover, Tommy often treats Arthur as if he were the younger one, which can strain their relationship. Despite this, Arthur has never betrayed Tommy, except for one attempt to escape and a suicidal episode. Apart from that, he is the most trustworthy figure in the family, even more reliable than Polly.When it comes to his brothers, John's recklessness and tendency to ignore the rules, as well as Finn's youth and inexperience, make them less suitable for the job. It is Arthur's level-headedness and unshakable loyalty that sets him apart from the others and makes him a valuable asset to the Shelby family. What are your thoughts on Arthur's character in the show? Do you think he will remain a steadfast ally to Tommy, or will his loyalty be tested at some point?(从我的reddit post直接搬运的,有空翻译)