

类型:传记 / 剧情 / 历史地区:内详年份:2016

导演:沃恩 / 汤姆 / 戈尔德拜彻 / 奥利弗 / 布莱克本 / 桑德拉

演员:伊芙 / 比克内尔 / 汤米 / 彼得 / 保罗 / 凯瑟琳 / 瑞斯 / 卢夫斯 / 休斯 / 理查德 / 鲍勒斯 / 汤姆 / 科尔曼 / 迪克森 / 彼得






  • 来自网友【婧殊】的评论刚刚看了两集 还可以 期待后续女主的成长 服化道具很OK 06-04 21:57 Finished.I remember it is in Ep7 or 8.They were working together by the side of the desk. Albert was reading.He just took the pen out of Victoria’s hand when he needed it. And she’s totally ok with that, then, naturally she grabbed his hand and lead it to her. I knew he supported her and understood her in the way as a queen’s subject and a best husband. And he is the best one she could ever imagine to have at that time.How lovely they are!I would say, no word like soulmate could suit them in a better way.I shall admit, at beginning, I do think Lord M would be her Mr.Right. Now I knew I was wrong.Lord M saw her as the queen or a young maid who needed attention, care and love. They do care for each other, but it’s not the pure love between a man and a women. Instead, Albert saw her only as a woman. Like she once said, they only married to please themselves. To be frank, I’d rather enjoy love story than those political things. However, I’m afraid I’d have to see a lot in the next season.
  • 来自网友【早点睡诺】的评论维多利亚第一季作为宫廷爱情剧是真的很不错的。Lord M与Victoria的爱情是小心翼翼的,是像父亲一样被呵护被照顾的感情,两人三观也很和,如果有结果也是不错的。Albert和Victoria的爱情是互补的,两个都在亲情受过伤的人,一个性格沉稳寡语,一个性格执着不屈于被人束缚,两个人对于爱情却都是奋不顾身,他们都很幸运,在没有选择的婚姻中遇到了爱的人,两个人相守一生。比起Lord M我还是会更喜欢这对哈哈哈哈哈哈~第一季真的很甜很甜,甜到我都忘记这是部历史剧,只有很少量的历史事件与叙述,但是有很多不同人物的爱情故事,他们在禁忌中相爱,互相慰藉;在困难中相伴,共渡难关。我不知道你们看是怎样,但是我是真的被他们深深打动,也给我自己的爱情观带来一点启发。放点很喜欢的剧照和图片,你们要是有好好看的记得给我看看!!!!!女王求婚的时候~太甜了!!新婚夜互唤对方名字,甜到我...嘴都咧僵了…维多利亚 第一季 (2016)8.32016 / 英国 / 剧情 传记 历史 / 奥利弗·布莱克本 汤姆·沃恩 桑德拉·戈尔德拜彻 / 珍娜·科尔曼 卢夫斯·塞维尔真的建议大家,如果是想看甜甜剧的话,看一二季就好了,第三季就算了,七年之痒加有超级超级讨厌的丑女人去挑拨俩人关系…看着真的愤怒心痛,我都想去弄死那个女的让她上天(微笑🙂️气死我了😤)